Information provided in compliance with Section 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act):
Harnisch + Rieth GmbH+Co.KG
Küferstraße 14-16
73650 Winterbach, Germany
Postal address:
Postfach 1260
73644 Winterbach, Germany
Represented by:
Birgit Harnisch
Tel: +49 (0) 7181 9678 -0
Fax: +49 (0) 7181 7 31 39
Commercial register:
Entry in the commercial register.
Court of registration: Stuttgart District Court
Registration number: HRA 280650
VAT identification number according to Section 27 a of the German VAT law:
Settlement of disputes
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Liability for content
As a service provider, we are liable for our own content on this website pursuant to Section 7, paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act (TMG). Pursuant to sections 8 to 10 TMG, however, as a service provider we are not required to monitor transferred or stored third-party information or to research circumstances that suggest an illegal activity.
This shall not affect our obligation to remove or bar the use of information in accordance with general legislation. However, any liability in this respect is incurred only from the time that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. We will remove illegal content as soon as we become aware of such breaches of law.
Liability for links
Our site contains links to external websites over whose content we have no influence. We therefore cannot assume any responsibility for this third-party content. Responsibility for the content of linked sites always lies with the respective provider or operator of these sites. The linked sites were checked for potentially illegal content at the time the link was produced. No illegal content was detected at that point in time.
However, permanent monitoring of the content of linked pages is infeasible without concrete evidence of unlawful content. As soon as we become aware of breaches of law we will immediately remove links of this kind.
The content and works created by the site operators and presented on these pages are governed by German copyright law. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright law requires written authorisation from the respective author and/or originator. Downloads and copies of this website are permitted for private, non-commercial use only.
Where content on this page was not created by the operator, third-party copyrights are respected. In particular, content from third parties is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of an infringement of copyright, we kindly request that you inform us. We will remove such content immediately upon becoming aware of breaches of law.
Image copyright
Homepage, photograph of dental technician, Robert Kneschke/
Support, photograph of service van, Pixelci/
Filter bag accessories, photograph of filter bags, Sergarck/
Concept, screen design, implementation
Resch Marketing and Communication GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 8
71364 Winnenden
Tel.: +49 7195 91 42-0
Fax: +49 7195 91 42-42